Friday, February 6, 2009


Once upon of time ( waseh.... first time i use this words, ^^ once again..)

Once upon of time ( It remind me a song, "You are my angel" . The starting is "Once upon of time...." , ok ok ! i know i haven't started my story yet . Restart lol )

Once upon of time, there was a patient in a hospital. He very badly ill. His illness was getting worse and worse. One day, he was lying on his bed and looked at a tree which was at outside the window.

He saw the leaves falling down from the tree and the tree became bald. He felt that he was same with the tree. His life was flowing away liked the leaves. He said he will die when all the leaves fell down.

From the day, he was always in depressing and despairing mood. All the people around him very worried about him. One day, a drawer knew the news about him and the drawer would like to help him. The drawer drew a leaf which looked alike with a real leaf and the drawer hung it on the tree.

The last leaf never fell down from the tree. Because of the last leaf, the patient was alive. It was so miraculous that he recovered his illness at the end.

From the story , it would like to tell us, we could lose a lot in our life but we can't lose our HOPE. HOPE is one of the important things in our life. It pushes us forward, it helps us to get away from desperation and dread and it helps our life continuing forever!

I would like to share this story with those feel perplexed and depressing now especially to my blogger friend, Willy. I hope you can stand up soon and hope your father can recover soon. Please trust your father, he won't be defeated by illness so easily and wish you can contact with your hubby soon.


  1. david,willie's dad is fine and the operation went sucessfully...
    just that ngoh willie is worried about his hubby kham only...
    ngoh willie...see so many ppl care about you...
    i am sure GOD will be with you,your family and love ones 4ever...

  2. i hope his father recovered soon.
    seent my regards even i dont know him.

  3. Waseh, ur blog has became an advices blog..
    I always learn a lot of things here.. (^0^)v
